Friday, May 11, 2012


Ritual, for myself as an artist was about trying something new; breaking the routine, that becomes a ritual of our everyday lives, which we all at time fall into throughout the precious time we have on this planet. But how does any of this relate to my project? Of late, I found myself stuck in my own routine in the form of music. I wanted to break my own personal mold I had encrusted on to my work, and in a way that is exactly what Ritual has become, something to break that stagnant casing. The piece may not be groundbreaking, but it is treading on grounds I had never thought to stand on, and for me that means so much. Not only have I picked up techniques to sonically help my production, Ritual has made me a better artist in regards to analysing and thinking more about my own production and meaning behind it. But of course, this idea about breaking a routine was not initially my own idea; the 'concept' came from some research I had been doing for another project. And the art! ist I had been researching goes by the name of Michele Gondry, a French director who has made many music videos for artists such as Bjork, White Stripes and the Foo Fighters. One of Gondry's excellent traits was to push himself to always try something new, go into an area where his expertise became tested. As he said, if he could not test himself, then he feared of becoming mediocrity in his field of work. Whilst there is still a lot to learn ( and there will never be a time where I have learnt ...